Half-Steamed Radishes & Turnips with Miso


This recipe is adapted from one of my favorite cookbooks: Six Seasons. His recipe just calls for turnips, but I added these beautiful large radishes and loved how they tasted alongside the mild turnips. I also omitted the butter and cooked in avocado oil rather than olive oil. Lastly, I had some mibuna greens I threw in right after I took them off the heat. Just cover with a lid for 3 minutes or so until wilted.


1 TB Miso

1 1/2 LB turnips and/or radishes

Avocado oil

Salt & Pepper

Mibuni greens (optional, can also use kale or dandelion greens)


Cut the top of the turnips and radishes leaving a small part of the green. Cut into quarters or halves depending on size. In a medium cast iron skillet add olive oil and minced garlic. Cook over medium heat until the oil warms up and the garlic is fragrant. Add turnips, cut side down. Add a 1/4 cup water and 1 TB miso and cover, let it steam until turnips are tender, about 10 minutes. If the water evaporates before turnips are cooked through keep adding 1/4 cup at a time, you don’t want to boil them, just let them cook in the steam. When you can insert a fork, and it comes out smoothly, take the cover off and bring up the heat. Once the water evaporates it will start to sear, flip with a fork until browned on all the sides. Add in greens right after you take off heat.


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